Ghost Searchers

paranormal, comedy
Ghost Searchers is a suspense thriller short film that follows Matt and Jeff, two small-time paranormal investigators in the wake of a community becoming more skeptical of the supernatural. When presented with a crucial opportunity to revive their dwindling careers and finances. The Ghost Searchers do whatever it takes to help the spectator move on.

The Cast

Max Doubt, Jonny Lee, Dylan Terril, Ashley McIntosh


"The film does not bother with jump scares, choosing instead to build the story organically, allowing it to feel realistic and every day, without losing view of its personal significance..." -

"the film plays with our imagination, it recognises there are sides of life yet to be fully understood. A smartly observed and well constructed piece that delivers a satisfying outcome..." -

"impressed with what the filmmakers managed to create... good character development, which leads me to believe there may be more films with these characters... Man, I kinda hope so." -

"The blend of supernatural makeup over its dry, comedic inclinations... Pair that with the incredible attention-to-detail on the practical effects, and you have an amazing treat..." -

"The movie consistently reminded me of Robert Rodriguez's 10-minute Film School, as creativity and excellent use of practical effects are on full display in every moment of this ghostly escapade..." -

"Ghost Searchers is a no-budget indie that accomplishes quite a bit... The film engages and entertains, serious themes lurking underneath the surface of its good cheer and bits of humor. " -

Festival Selection and Awards

17th annual Another Hole in The Head Film Festival - Official Selection
17th annual Bernal Heights Outdoor Cinema - Audience Award
10th annual Los Angeles Lift-Off Film Festival - Official Selection